Friday, October 19, 2012

Singing with Bells / Funky Sounds

These games will help to grow the brains of infants and toddlers. Whether it’s through singing, dancing, cuddling, rocking, talking, smelling, or tasting, you can encourage the brain pathways to make new connections.

Music Activities for Infants and Toddlers

Singing with Bells

Place a jingle bell inside an empty film canister. Tape or glue the lid on securely. Shake the canister and sing familiar songs like "This Old Man," "A B C Song," and "One Elephant."

Play this game with the bell.

Sing to the tune of "If You’re Happy and You Know It."

Shake the bell in the air, in the air, (hold your hands over your head to shake the bell)
Shake the bell in the air, in the air,
Shake the bell in the air and hold it up right there,

Shake the bell in the air, in the air.
Shake the bell on the side, on the side, (hold hands to one side for shaking)
Shake the bell on the side, on the side,
Shake the bell on the side as you smile very wide,
Shake the bell on the side, on the side.
Shake the bell down below, down below, (shake the bell below your knees)
Shake the bell down below, down below.
Shake the bell down below and smile and say “hello,”
Shake the bell down below, down below.

Ideas for taking this activity to the next level:
For building confidence - “This jingle bell will make our singing sound beautiful.” Sing several familiar songs and shake the bells.

For developing the idea –“Which song did you like singing? Can you think of another song we could sing?”

For moving forward – “Do we have to shake our bells all through the song or could we shake them at certain times?” Try singing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and only shaking the bells on word “lamb.”

Funky Sounds
Brain research says that auditory discrimination of various types of sounds must be developed in order to be able to process letter sounds.
This activity is an important pre-reading experience.
Locate several types of containers with lids.
Fill each container with a different object such as sand, buttons, bells, stones, beads, birdseed, etc.
Securely attach the lid with super glue and/or tape. You can decorate the outside of the container if you like.
Give your child the opportunity to shake and make some noise with each filled container. You may even wish to leave one container empty just for novelty.
Talk to your child about the different types of sounds you hear when the container is shaken.
Choose familiar songs to sing as you shake the different containers. You might sing some of them loudly or softly, in a high or a low voice. Let the sound help you decide what to do with your voice.
Ideas for taking this activity to the next level:
For building confidence – Shake each container and talk about how it sounds. Is it loud or soft? Is it light or heavy? Is it tinkley or thundering?
For developing the idea - Select a container and ask your child to select one also. Choose a familiar song and sing and shake together.
For moving for forward – Go outside with your child. Listen to the different sounds. Airplanes, birds, the wind and cars.
Products from Discount School Supply® that I recommend:
Wooden Wind Chimes - set of 12 (BREEZY)
Gold Jingle Bells - 150 pieces (BELLS)


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