Monday, February 28, 2011
Infant Rhythm
Dance A Baby - 3-6 months
1. This is a variation of an old English rhyme called “Dance a Baby Diddy
2. Hold your baby under her arms and dance her on a soft surface.
3. Say the rhyme and do the actions.
Dance a baby diddy
What can I do widdy
Sit on a lap - put your baby on your lap
And give her a pat - gently pat her cheek
Dance a baby diddy, dance a baby diddy - go back to dancing
4. The connections of the rhythm, movement and bonding make for good brain wiring in the future.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Infant Development
Research has shown that the more an infant is cuddled, snuggled and held, he will be more secure and independent by the time he is two years old.
Even in utero, human babies begin to recognize the muffled voices of those who care for them. By 10 days of age, they can distinguish the smell of their mother's breast milk from that of another woman. Around 5 weeks, babies demonstrate a preference for their primary caretakers by smiling or vocalizing. They follow them intently, first with their eyes, then later on hands and knees. By 9 months, many infants scream when their parents try to leave, as if to say, "I can't bear being without you!"
And so it is that babies fall in love with their caregivers. Psychologists, of course, have a less romantic name for it: attachment.
Gently touching your baby will make him feel secure and safe. Here are some games that will build confidence, independence and grow the brain.
Snuggle Buggle - I Love You
Develops Bonding
1. Hold your baby in your arms and rock her back and forth.
2. As you rock, say the words “Snuggle, buggle, I love you.”
3. On the word “you” kiss a part of her body. ...head, nose, toes, etc.
4. Soon, your little one will be offering you parts of her body to kiss.
Babies respond to “parentese.” That’s the high pitched voice sound that you make when you are talking to your baby.
Baby Talk –
Develops Language
1. When you speak “parentese” to infants, you are communicating with them and encouraging vocal responses. This in turn develops language.
2. Say things like “you’re such a sweet baby” or “ look at those pretty little toes.”
3. As you speak sentences in parentese, hold the baby close to your face and look directly into her eyes.